Speedskating: Regional History

Shop Pond Gang — 1956-1959

Shop Pond Gang & Midway Speedskating Clubs - 1961

Shop Pond Gang

Shop Pond Gang

Shop Pond Gang Speedskating Club Skater

Eastside Speedskating Club — 1954-1982

Eastside Speedskating Club 1958

Eastside Speedskating Club 1959

Eastside Speedskating Club 1961

Eastside Speedskating Club 1963

Eastside Speedskating Club 1963

Eastside Speedskating Club 1964

Eastside Speedskating Club 1964-1965

Eastside Speedskating Club 1965-1966

Eastside Speedskating Club 1967

Metro Girls High School Program — 1995-2007

The Metro Girls High School Speedskating Program ran for about 20-years.  It was created in order to allow Girls to Letter in High School Sports when there weren't enough options available for them to participate in (Title IX regulations).  It was open to all high school girls in the region, but primarily attracted Girls from Roseville High School and Moundsview High School.  As the years went by, more sports options opened up in the region for Girls in the and participation dropped, and the program was finally disbanded.

1995 - 1996 Roseville Girls ONLY

1996 - 1997 Moundsview Girls ONLY

1996 - 1997 Roseville Girls ONLY

1997 - 1998 Moundsview Girls ONLY

1999 - 2000 All Participants

2002 - 2003 All Participants

2002 - 2003 Moundsview Girls ONLY

2002 - 2003 Roseville Girls ONLY

2004 - 2005 Moundsview Girls ONLY

2004 - 2005 Roseville Girls ONLY

2005 - 2006 Moundsview Girls ONLY

2005 - 2006 Roseville Girls ONLY

2006 - 2007 All Participants